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Diseases and Treatment

Diabetic Retinopathy

Research suggests that there are currently over 650 million diabetic people in the world. Amongst those, 125 million are in India. Out of these, 15 to 25% suffer from diabetic retinopathy. Sadly, millions of people lose their eyesight every year due to diabetes.

Diabetic retinopathy is a disease which occurs in diabetic patients. The blood vessels of the retina are affected due to high blood sugar. Initially there is a slight loss of vision but with time, it can cause blindness. So an eye check-up is recommended even if the diabetic patient does not show any symptom. A person who has a history of a very high sugar level, or has been suffering from prolonged diabetes or associated cardiac problems is more prone to diabetic retinopathy. In the initial stages, fluorescein angiography and optical coherence scans are performed and laser therapy can curtail any further damage. But once the disease advances, surgery becomes necessary to regain lost vision.

Retinal Detachment

This is a disease in which the retina gets separated from the back part of the eye wall. In the initial stages, the patient will complain of seeing a black dot like floating particle or flashes of light. Gradually, there will be a loss of eyesight in a particular field of vision and if no medical action is taken, in a matter of few days, the patient can lose his vision. High minus power glasses (Myopia), family history of retinal detachment, any eye injury or complicated cataract surgeries can be the cause for retinal detachment. A patient with clinical findings of retinal thinning in the form of lattice degeneration and retinal hole or tear is at an increased risk for the development of retinal detachment.

Retinal detachment needs immediate surgical intervention. With modern day care based surgery, more than 90% of the detachment can be cured.

Retinal Vascular Disease

A blockage or a clot in one of the veins that supplies blood to the retina is known as retinal vein occlusion. This blockage results in blood and other fluids leaking into the retina which can lead to swelling and inflammation.

Altered blood circulation due to common systemic diseases like hypertension, heart disease and high cholesterol apart from smoking can cause vein occlusion and can reduce the eyesight of the patient. It is not uncommon to have this problem without any noticeable symptom. Early diagnosis with optical coherence tomogram and fundus fluorescein angiography followed by anti VEGF injections or laser can save many patients from blindness.

Retinopathy of Prematurity and Paediatric Retinal Disorders

A rare disease due to prematurity can cause permanent child blindness. It is mandatory to undergo a retina check-up if the delivery of the child is premature or the birth weight is less or the child has been given oxygen treatment for any systemic disease. Timely intervention is the key for successful treatment. If left untreated, within a few days, it can result in complete blindness even before the child’s vision begins to develop. A lot of awareness has to be spread about this unfortunate disease not only among the common people but also among paediatricians.

Age Related Macular Degeneration

This is a disease that can occur due to old age. Here, the patient’s vision becomes blurred and then decrease significantly. Gradually these patients are unable to read or identify the faces of other people. Such restricted vision in old age makes the person completely helpless and dependent. Wet form of age related macular degeneration is a long term disease and most patients require a long term treatment. Early detection and anti VEGF treatment or photodynamic therapy can arrest the loss of vision.

It is mandatory to undergo a retina examination once a year for people above the age of 60 or those who complain of decreased and blurred vision.

Treatment of Various Complicated Retina

  • Uveitis
  • High Myopia
  • Macular Disease
  • Intraocular Infections
  • Complication after cataract surgery


  • Fundus Fluorescein Angiography
  • Optical Coherence Tomogram
  • Retinal Laser Treatment
  • Anti VEGF Treatment
  • Complete Surgical Retina Management
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